Paul Fishell, D. Ed. Min.
D. Ed. Min., Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2017); M.A. in Christian Education, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (1989) emphasis in College Teaching; Non-degree Bible Courses, Calvary University (formerly Calvary Bible College) (2012); B.A. in Biblical Studies, Evangel University (formerly Evangel College) (1986)
Dr. Paul Fishell brings over 25 years of bivocational ministry to the virtual classroom. Over that time, he has youth pastored, taught Middle and High School, coached various sports, led worship, operated a Christian School, officiated various sports, acted as an interim pastor, assisted two church plants, and has taught online for SUM since the fall of 2010. Fishell is married to the world’s most beautiful woman, has one foster son and six grandchildren. He loves to ride motorcycles and play music, sports, and games. Since his leadership style is an advisor and connector, he views himself as a adventure life tour guide when he is teaching. If students are ready for an adventure in learning, Dr. Fishell loves students and engaging them in class.