Curtis Pryor, M.S.
M.S. Practical Theology, Southwestern Assemblies of God University (2004); B.A. in Biblical Studies, Evangel University (1984)
Prof. Pryor’s ministry includes pastorates in Colorado, Oregon, and Idaho, the latter where he is currently serving, as well as youth and associate positions in Texas, Idaho, Japan, Missouri, and Arizona, with more than 25 years’ experience. His ministry passion is one that can be summarized as that of an equipper (Ephesians 4:11- 13). In this role Prof. Pryor has served as an adjunct professor for more than 12 years at SUM and several other institutions, with a focus in practical theology, while serving in full time pastoral or staff positions. At the forefront for Curtis is to aid in the development of solid biblical foundations and practices for his students, in order to encourage them to confidently and effectively fulfill God’s call upon their lives. Curtis and his wife Linda are the proud parents of two daughters, one son, and six beautiful grandchildren.